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Found : 42 Posts Showing Results 21 to 25
What exactly is Marquerty and is is right for me?

Marquetry is a decorative woodworking technique that involves the intricate inlay of various pieces of wood, veneer, or other materials to create decorative patterns or images on the surface of furniture, flooring, or other wooden objects.

Wide Planks Vs Narrow Planks

The choice between wide planks and narrow planks for hardwood flooring depends on your personal style preferences and the overall aesthetic you want to achieve in your space. Here are some factors to consider when comparing wide planks and narrow planks.

Inspiring Ideas - Your Style

Consider your personal style, the overall design aesthetic of your space, and the practicality of different hardwood species when choosing the right flooring option. The possibilities with hardwood flooring are vast, allowing you to create a space that reflects your taste and preferences.

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